
Our insights and tips to help you become the most valuable executive leader in your company.


The ability to set and meet goals is often used as a way to measure success for companies and individual employees. In an ideal world, goals are set and then achieved – on time and within budget. Unfortunately, in the real world, dysfunctional teams often avoid being held accountable for their goals. A lack of accountability creates resentment among team members, encourages mediocrity, and places a burden on leaders who must discipline employees who miss deadlines and deliver subpar work.
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After the Offer: How to Negotiate Your Compensation Package - Salary negotiation is an art. And, just like painting a masterpiece, there are proven techniques you can use to get the results you want. Executive Agenda Group Chairs Bob Puissant and Debbie Rudan are back to offer their tips for successful negotiating. You can read their advice in this blog post now.
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When a business team misses deadlines, fears failure, and seems to suffer from a lack of direction, it might be due to Patrick Lencioni’s third dysfunction of a team, Lack of Commitment.
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Debbie Rudan and Bob Puissant, two of Executive Agenda’s Executive Mentors, again joined to explain the best way to prepare for an interview, questions you should be prepared to answer and how to make a great impression. You can read their advice in this blog post today.
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By definition, a team is a “group of people who come together to achieve a common goal.” The idea of coming together inspires thoughts of people working side by side, smiling and laughing, engaged in harmonious work. At first glance, it might seem that conflict has no place in a successful team environment, but that’s simply not true.
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In his book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni examines why effective teams are so rare and provides specific recommendations for eliminating barriers that lead to dysfunctional teams. Lencioni's work outlines the causes of team dysfunctionality and what can be done to overcome each one.
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No matter what industry you are in, the events of 2020 impacted your business and your workforce. 2020 unlocked changes many companies had been considering for a long time, forced rapid business transformation, and challenged cultural norms that once seemed unshakable.
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What a year it has been! Executive Agenda, including our talented Executive Mentors and inspirational members, started 2020 motivated and ready to head into a year filled with opportunity. Collectively, we were planning for success and felt ready to make it happen.
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Teaching smart people how to learn starts with challenging any preconceived notions about the nature of the problems they currently face and their go-to methods for solving them. This may require pulling down any defensiveness that blocks them and then getting them to think in a different way that allows deeper learning and better solutions. This blog post explains how Executive Agenda works to resolve this learning dilemma.
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Finding a job in the middle of a pandemic is hard, and for those over 50, it can feel daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. In this blog post, Executive Mentors Debbie Rudan and Bob Puissant come together to share their best tips and strategies for finding a new job after 50.
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