The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People | Habit 1: Be Proactive

executiveagenda Executive Agenda December 6, 2024


How Being Proactive Builds Leadership

Always on a quest to becoming a more successful leader, critical thinker, and problem solver, Executive Agenda’s members have many opportunities to grow and evolve in their leadership roles.


7 Habits of Highly Effective People Book

Proactively Speaking

As a leader, you're at the mercy of circumstances—reacting to crises, shifting priorities, and managing team dynamics. Covey's first habit, Be Proactive, offers a perspective shift that empowers you to take control instead of feeling controlled by external events.

Being proactive is about more than just getting ahead or initiating tasks. It's about adopting a mindset of responsibility. Covey emphasizes that while we can't always control what happens to us, we can control how we respond.

This simple yet profound concept reshapes how leaders and teams operate, driving both personal and organizational growth.


The Power of a Proactive Leader

Proactivity for leaders means creating a culture of ownership. Covey introduces the Circle of Concern and the Circle of Influence. What are these about?

  • Circle of Concern – These are the issues that worry us but are outside our control. Things like market shifts, competitor behavior, or even office gossip. This wasted energy could have been channeled into more productive areas.
  • Circle of Influence – Proactive leaders focus on areas they can influence, like internal processes, team motivation, and strategic pivots. Leaders who train their focus here get better results and build a more resilient mindset. They become the source of stability in the face of change.

This mindset shift can be incredibly valuable when leading projects where factors like algorithms or client expectations can seem unpredictable. Instead of reacting to every change, proactive leaders create structures that allow their teams to respond efficiently.


Eric McGraw's Perspective on Being Proactive

Eric McGraw, Group Chair & Chair Recruitment at EA, shared how being proactive has had a profound effect on his leadership approach and business success:

"Being proactive changed the entire way I approached leadership. Before, I often found myself in a reactive state, responding to issues as they came up. But Covey's principle of focusing on what I can control—my Circle of Influence—helped me take control of my decisions and actions. As a result, I've seen significant improvements in how my teams operate. They no longer wait for things to happen; they take ownership of their work, which has dramatically increased our productivity and team morale."

— Eric McGraw, Executive Agenda's Group Chair & Chair Recruitment


Three Ways to Develop Proactive Leadership

Check out these proactive leadership strategies:

  1. Preemptive Communication
    Being proactive means managing expectations and actions. Leaders should communicate regularly with their teams and clients, not just to update but also to anticipate potential concerns.
  2. Foresee Obstacles
    A proactive leader is prepared for problems before they arrive. Mapping out potential bottlenecks, client approvals, and data delays and creating contingency plans before issues even happen alleviate the need to scramble when challenges occur.
  3. Empower Decision-Making at Every Level
    A proactive leader empowers their team to make decisions within their Circle of Influence. Teams who are empowered to solve problems independently get things done faster and are more motivated and engaged. They know they have a say in the outcome and are not just reacting to orders from above.


This proactive leadership mindset can transform how you operate as an individual and how your entire team approaches problem-solving, goal-setting, and collaboration. By shifting your focus from what you can't control to what you can influence, you lay the foundation for stronger, more effective leadership that endures in any situation.

Looking Forward by Developing Long-Term Vision

Mastering the proactive mindset is a powerful first step in Covey's framework, but it's only the beginning. Once you've established a proactive approach to leadership, the next challenge is to develop a clear vision for where you're going and prioritize your actions accordingly.

Our next post will focus on Covey's second habit, Begin with the End in Mind. It will explore how to set a compelling vision and prioritize your time.

Want to learn more about Executive Agenda's unique and powerful form of professional executive development? Contact us or call 262-821-3600.

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